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   	  India-Pakistan Relations Courting Peace from the Corridors of War

India-Pakistan Relations Courting Peace From The Corridors Of War

by P.M. Kamath

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The VPM`s Centre for International Studies held a national seminar on ""India-Pakistan Relations in Pursuit of Peace"" in Mumbai in April2004. This volume is the edited updated version of papers submitted by fourteen eminent thinkers on different aspects of the subject. Low political issues such as the role of Bollywood were discussed by Mahesh Bhatt in his inaugural address, while how cultural relations can help to improve relations was analysed by Maneesha Tikekar. P.M. Kamath argued in favour of the Government of India instituting Mahatma Gandhi. Fellowships to establish educational exchanges between the two countries. With a strong conviction that improved economic and trade relations through multilateral and bilateral forums would help in achieving better political understanding, three economists - Avadhoot Nadkarni, Pushpa Trivedi and R.G. Gidadhubli -- discuss various avenues open for two nations to concretely act upon.

But it is high political issue of security that have actually created roadblocks in the smooth flow of bilateral relations. Jasjit Singh, Bharat Karnad, Ramesh Babu, Rajesh Basrur, V. Balachandran, S.C. Sharma, Kshitij Prabha and V.M. Patil discuss major issues affecting bilateral politico-security issues such as conflicts over Jammu and Kashmir, terrorism, Siachen, the issue of the gas pipeline through Pakistan and several others and each makes some suggestions to emerge from them with win-win solutions.

India-Pakistan relations have seen long periods of conflicts like three wars over Kashmir, the Kargil War, and low intensity conflicts. A glimmer of hope was generated by the BJP led NDA government when Atal Behari Vajpayee spoke of `one more effort` in April`2003 to find a key to peace and cooperation in the South Asian region. The book should be of immense value of scholars, students of international relations, journalists and policy-makers alike to build on peace from the corridors of war.
ISBN 9788185002477

Pages : 333
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