The volume Science, Technology, Imperialism and War coordinates the concerned themes into an evolving pattern of growth of ideas and institutions with a view to projecting analytically a coherent picture of uniformity of human development in all its aspects. The chapters on Science, therefore, do not begin or end with science as such but are a cognitive endeavour linked to the other concerns of this volume. Likewise, the section on Technology leads the reader to a search for its very probable links with imperialism and war. Imperialism offers four themes in the edited volume: the first one deals with its theories; the second with its linkage with colonialism; while the third and the fourth follow its manifestation in the Russian and British adventures chiefly in central Asia and India. The fact of the dependence of imperialism on war looms large. War, the concluding theme of the exercise, is the saturation point of human efforts to subvert identical species elsewhere, to subjugate and to dominate. Its theories and ramifications—conventional, limited and nuclear—are surveyed critically by competent scholars. The horizon of the chapters is Asian, the landscape and focus Indian. ISBN - 8131708519
Pages : 924