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  Vanmay i : Panorama of Indological Researches

Vanmay I : Panorama Of Indological Researches

by Radha Vallabh Tripathi

  Price : Rs 850.00
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  Chaturvedi Felicitation Volume)
We are standing on the thresholds of a new century and an introspection as well as well as a retrospection of the situation Sanskrit learning is reputed. Sanskrit learning is required. Sanskrit has immensely contributed to the emerging new International Culture in our age and the modern global perspective. However, Sanskrit studies are suffering from a stagnation and the adverse effect of the `Orientalism` which knowingly or unknowingly, functioned under the impact of and catered to the interests of the colonialism. It is high time now that the scholars of Sanskrit put up a joint effort to free their vidya from several misconcepts and misinterpretations. I am happy to note that some of the papers included in this volume reveal a genuine concern and a positive approach in this direction.
The articles collected here offer new vistas in various disciplines under Sanskrit studies- i.d. Veda, Epics and Puranas, Philosophical systems, Rhetorics, Grammar, Literature and Culture.
Contents :
Bio-data of Prof. K.K. Chaturvedi
(Hindi Matter) By Abhiraj Rajendra Mishra
1. (Hindi Article) - By Satyaprakash Singh
2. (Hindi Article) - By Patsheel Kumar Bhatia
3. Foundations of Alankarasastra in Rgveda-By Radhavallabh Tripathi
4. (Hindi Article) - By Rajendra Mishra
5. (Hindi Article) - By Dayanand Bhargav
6. (Hindi Article) - By Ramamurty Tripathi
7. An Observation of Some Verses of the Sankara School-By Asoke Chatterjee Sastri
8. (Hindi Article) - By Mandala Ram
9. (Hindi Article) -By Bachulal Avasti
10. (Hindi Article) - By Ramnarayan Mishra
11. On Instrumentality to Moksa in the Advaita concept-By Dipak ghosh
12. (Hindi Article) - By Kedarnath Tripathi
13. Meaning and Referent : An Indian Perspective- By V.N. Jha
14. (Hindi Article) - Pushpa Dikshit
15. (Hindi Article) - Janaki Prasad Dvived
16. (Hindi Article) - Balsastri
17. Who is the Real Agent?- By Achyutananda Dash
18. (Hindi Article) - By Ramakant Pandeya
19. Some Poetic Concepts : A Reappraisal-By Saroj Deshpande
20. (Hindi Article) - Bharat Bhushan Sharma
21. (Hindi Article) - Uma Pandeya
22. (Hindi Article) - Girdhari Lal Chaturvedi
23. (Hindi Article) - Tribhuvan Nath Shukla
24. The Uncommon Commoners: Some Notable Characters in Sanskrit Drama-By Tapati Mukherjee
25. Comic Element in Sanskrit Drama-K.G. Paulose
26. Sanskrit Drama and Stage Performance-N.P. Unni
27. (Hindi Article) - Rani Mazumdar ISBN 9788185616537

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