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  Heat Transfer - 2 Ed, (Reprint)

Heat Transfer - 2 Ed, (Reprint)

by S.P. Venkateshan

  Price : Rs 425.00
  Your Price : Rs 361.25
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  The book is a text on Heat Transfer, a subject that is taught to B.E./B.Tech students of Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering and Metallurgy in most engineering colleges. It is normally offered after the students have acquired a background in
Thermodynamics/Applied Thermodynamics. The subject deals with a detailed study of heat transfer by conduction in stationary media, by convection in moving media, by radiation and includes special topics, pitched at a higher level. This book should be useful to all learners of Heat Transfer at the undergraduate level and to some extent at the post-graduate level. The book should also interest practicing engineers who wish to refresh their knowledge in the
field. The book presents the various topics in a systematic way starting from first principles. Several worked examples illustrate the engineering applications of the basic modeling tools developed. The exercises at the end of each chapter challenge the reader to tackle typical real life problems. The special topics chapter includes heat transfer in space applications and during phase change including melting/solidification, condensation and boiling.ISBN:9380156279

Pages : 990
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