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  The Naxal Threat: Causes, State Responses and Consequesnce

The Naxal Threat: Causes, State Responses And Consequesnce

by Ed V R Raghavan

  Price : Rs 795.00
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  Naxalism or Left Wing extremism is a major internal security threat faced by India. Though Naxalism predates independence, it was limited to small pockets of areas but now has spread to underdeveloped areas from Bihar to Tamil Nadu. It is a well organized underground movement with an ideological base in rural areas spread over in the interior of many states. The Naxal movement is a complex socio- politico- economic phenomenon. Their violent methods against the government officials, law and order agencies and business community are causes, needing immediate and serious attention.

This volume is a compilation of five papers presented at a workshop organized by CSA in August 2010.
About the Editor
Lt. Gen. (Retd) V. R. Raghavan is President, Centre for Security Analysis and Advisor, Delhi Policy Group, New Delhi. He is also a member of India`s National Security Advisory Board. After a distinguished career in the Indian Army, where he was decorated on three occasions, he retired as Director General of Military Operations. His combat experience includes operations in wars with Pakistan and China and in counterinsurgency campaigns. The General is an elected member of the Council of United Services Institution of India and was Council Member, International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), London. He was a Commissioner of the Weapons of Mass Destruction Commission chaired by Dr. Hans Blix and also advisor and research consultant to the International Commission on Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament convened by the Governments of Australia and Japan. He was Visiting Fellow at Centre for International Security and Cooperation (CISAC), Stanford University and Henry L. Stimson Centre. The General was also member of the Committee to review the Armed Forces Special Powers Act. He has authored books amongst which, the monograph, India`s Need for Strategic Balance; essay on Limited War and Nuclear Escalation in South Asia, the books Infantry in India, and Siachen-Conflict without End are widely known. He has edited more than two dozen books. His articles have been carried in leading newspapers, journals, magazines in India and internationally. He is a guest lecturer at Indian War colleges and the National Defence College. The General graduated from the Ro ISBN 9789380177779

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