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  Protecting the Brand

Protecting The Brand

by Talcott Franklin

  Price : Rs 195.00
  Your Price : Rs 175.50
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  Brand-name products represent the largest single sector of the U.S. economy, yet there is no simple format in existence to educate people about the rules of trademark. For the first time, Protecting the Brand sorts out the laws of copyright in a simple and descriptive manner. Aspirin, cornflakes, dry ice, brassiere, zipper - these are just a few of the names once recognized as brands that have lost their exclusivity due to owner misuse and ignorance of trademark law protection.This book dissects such disasters and offers information on how these losses could have been prevented. Written in an easy- to- comprehend manner, Protecting the Brand gets to the heart of the matter, explaining in practical terms the complex minefield that is trademark law. Throughout the book important trademark rules are explained and each is illustrated with a brief case study od a court ruling demonstrating the consequences of misuse. ISBN - 9788176499996

Pages : 144
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