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  Chalcolithic Site of Ujjain Region : Mahidpur

Chalcolithic Site Of Ujjain Region : Mahidpur

by Rahman Ali , Ashok Trivedi , Dhirendra Solanki

  Price : Rs 1100.00
  Your Price : Rs 1100.00
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  Book: Chalcolithic Site Of Ujjain Region: Mahidpur (excavation Report)
This book is a comprehensive report of the excavationsconducted at a Chalcolithic site of Mahidpur (Dist. Ujjain, M.P.). The mound inlocally known as Bhasmatekari and is situated on the bank of Shipra river. Theexcavations have yielded the evidence of one of the earliest chalcolithicculture of Malwa. The antiquities collected from excavations have been analysed scientificallyinto the book with a note on the faunal remains collected from excavations.
This book is a comprehensive report of the excavationsconducted at a Chalcolithic site of Mahidpur (Dist. Ujjain, M.P.). The mound inlocally known as Bhasmatekari and is situated on the bank of Shipra river. Theexcavations have yielded the evidence of one of the earliest chalcolithicculture of Malwa. The antiquities collected from excavations have been analysed scientificallyinto the book with a note on the faunal remains collected from excavations.ISBN: 8188934232

Pages : 128
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