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  Sales Management

Sales Management

by S A Chunawalla

  Price : Rs 550.00
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  Book Summary of Sales Management
Since time immemorial the art of salesmanship is being practiced by one and all be it a bonny crying for mother`s attention, or a doting wife seeking gifts from her spouse or a students who tries to be in the good books of his teacher to earn a higher score. Informally salesmanship has always been there.

Formally, it came to be perfected after the Industrial Revolution, Slowly, salesmanship inspired other areas of promotion such as public relations and advertising. The common element is the communication that is informative, persuasive and reminding.

As personal selling or salesmanship grew in stature with the expanding business offering a variety of products and services to sell, a whole army fosalespeople required its management in terms of its selection, motivation, compensation and work allocation. Thus came the subject of sales management.

About Author
S.A. Chuna walla has degrees in commerce, pharmacy and management. He has taught the marketing related subjects to the students of the management programmer of Sardar Patel University, Vidya Nagar. At present he is a communication consultant in Mumbai. He has guided research projects of many management students. Some of his book such as Foundations of Advertising, Product Management, Compendium of Brand Management and Contours of Retailing Management are very popular with the students all over the country.

Table Of Contents

1. Nature and Scope of Sales Management isbn

Pages : 299
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