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  Human Assisted Reproductive Technology: Future Trends in Laboratory and Clinical Practice

Human Assisted Reproductive Technology: Future Trends In Laboratory And Clinical Practice

by Botros R. M. B. Rizk , David K. Gardner

  Price : Rs 595.00
  Your Price : Rs 487.90
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  n ovarian stimulation and in the management of polycystic ovary syndrome, and evidence-based ART. The embryology section discusses issues ranging from three-dimensional in-vitro ovarian follicle culture, and morphometric and proteomics analysis of embryos, to oocyte and embryo cyropreservation. This forward-looking volume of review articles is key reading for reproductive medicine physicians, gynecologists, reproductive endocrinologists, urologists and andrologists.

Table of Contents
1. Use of robotics in reproductive surgery
2. Removal of hydrosalpinges and uterine leiomyoma to improve IVF outcome
3. Ovarian endometriomas: effect on IVF outcome
4. Impact of uterine cavity abnormalities on IVF and pretreatment cavity evaluation
5. Sperm retrieval techniques
6. New concepts in ovarian stimulation
7. GnRH antagonists in ART
8. Pharmacogenetics of ovarian stimulation in the 21st century
9. Non-invasive diagnosis of endometriosis with proteomics technologies
10. Antiangiogenic agents for endometriosis
11. New concepts in the management of polycystic ovary syndrome
12. Adjuvant therapy to increase implantation rates
13. Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome ISBN

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