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   Teaching Techniques

Teaching Techniques

by R. S. S. Nehru

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  eaching techniques-An experimental study refers to attitudes form not only colorful determinants of behavior but also an absorbing area of research. Attitudes are stable mental dispositions towards psychological objects such as persons, ideas, objects, institutions and situations in the environment formed basing on one`s experiences and having cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains. They may be positive (favorable) or negative (unfavorable) with variations in strength that can be represented on a dichotomous continuum. Attitudes also form a major set of relatively stable affective outcomes of education. Developing healthy attitudes or producing attitude change in the right direction is a part of the function of education. Therefore, psychologists, sociologists and educationalists should be interested not only in assessing attitudes as they are in a give individual or group but also in the factors and procedures those facilitate attitude formation and change. Certain attitudes assume special relevance in a society in a given period. Formation or change of such attitudes, then, becomes the concern of the the society in general and on education in particular. In the present Indian context, attitudes in respect of family planning. Casteism and manual work among other things seem to be of special importance. Theories of attitudinal change and a wide range of studies on attitutdes especially changes have been reviewed.

Educational objectives have been classified and defined in terms of cognitive, affective and psychomotor outcomes. While much of the large volume of knowledge acquired year after year might be psychomotor capabilities. Like values, attitudes have a prominent place among the affective outcomes; they represent two levels in a hierarchy. Development of healthy, sound attitudes is an important component of the total function of the school and of any general education programme. The independent variables are the different Teaching Strategies employed in effecting attitudinal change and it took three treatment forms as mentioned above, while the three attitudes-those towards Manual Work, Casteism and Family Planning formed the dependent variables. Other variables like time interval, essential content and length of the treatment and source were controlled by making them uniform for all the groups, so that the effect of variables become neutral. The recipient variables were also adequately controlled by systematic sampling technique and a rotation design. Sex and SES were taken as predictor variables in relation to the criteria of initial positions and changes achieved in respect of dependent variables and those are attitudes.

The study was conceived as an experimental study aimed at finding the effectiveness of the three treatments, viz., verbal-visual communication methods (T1), dramatized-multimedia methods (T2) and Integrated of these two methods (T3), in producing change in the desired direction in three attitudes of the students studying IX class in Secondary Schools. It also aimed at finding the differences by sex and socio economic status (SES), religion, rural, urban in respect of the initial position on the three attitudes and changes achieved in them through the treatment. This book is framed keeping in the mind of the above mentioned Teaching Strategies. Author was very much pertinent with the abreast of largest information regarding the Developmental line of Teaching Strategies, methods and pedagogy principles and rpactice in the view of Indian school and college setting. He has to be planned and organized for wider scale in all schools, colleges, teacher training colleges and behaviour trainees also.

Teachers/Teacher educators have to be prepared for the role of change agents in respect of healthy social attitudes through well-conceived and adequate components in the pre-service teacher training and management trainees also. It would also be advantage to us to produce materials of all kinds required for such programmes in a centralized way. So, if the school system accepts the development of healthy social attitudes and production of significant changes in them in desired direction, as an important part of its function, it could-and should plan and organize such activities in a concerted way as an integral part of its total programme and that should make education more interesting and more socially relevant and useful. ISBN 9788131316412

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