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  Research Methodology

Research Methodology

by R. S. S. Nehru N. V. S. Suryanarayana

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  To understanding about the research and its application in the field of education. To enable students to prepare a research proposal. To enable students to understand different types of variables, meaningful and types of hypothesis, sampling techniques and tools and techniques of educational research. To develop an understanding about the different types of research methodology of educational research. To enable students to understand quantitative and qualitative data analysis techniques.

Educational Research Sources of Acquiring Knowledge: Learned authority, tradition, experience, scientific method. Meaning, steps and scope of educational research. Meaning, steps and assumptions of scientific method. Aims and characteristics of research as a scientific activity. Ethical Considerations in Educational Research, Paradigms of educational research: Quantitative and Qualitative. Types of research Fundamental Applied and Action. Research Design meaning, definition, purposes and components of research design. Difference between the terms research method and research methodology. Research Proposal: Its Meaning and Need. Identification of a research topic: Sources and Need.

Review of related literature, Rationale and ned of the study, Definition of the terms: Real, nominal and Operational. Variables, Research questions, aims, objectives and hypothesis. Assumptions, if any Methodology, sample and tools. Scope, limitations and delimitations. Significance of the study. Techniques of data analysis and unti of data analysis. Bibliography. Time Frame. Budget, if any. Chapterisation Variables and Hypothesis, Meaning of Variables, Types of Variables (Independent, Dependent, Extraneous, Intervening and Moderator). Concept of Hypothesis, Souces of Hypothesis, Types of Hypothesis (Research Directional, Non directional, Null Statistical and Question Form), Formulating Hypothesis, Characteristics of a good hypothesis, Hypothesis Testing and theory, Errors in Testing of Hypothesis Sampling-concepts of Universe and Sample, Need of Sampling, Characteristics of a good Sample, Techniques of Sampling, Probability Sampling, Non Probability Sampling.

Research Methodology, Descriptive Research, Casual-Comparative, Correlational, Case Study, Ethnography, Document Analysis, Analytical Method Historical Research: Meaning, Scope of historical research, Uses of history, Steps of doing, historical research (Defining the research problem and types of historical inquiry, searching for, historical sources, Summarizing and evaluation historical sources and Presenting perinent facts within an interpretive framework), Types of historical sources, External and internal criticism of historical sources.

Experimental Research Pre-Experimental Design, Quasi-Experimental Design and Trye-Experimental Desings, Factorial Design/Independent Groups, and repeated measures. Nesting Design, Single-subject, Design, Internal and External Experimental Validity, Controlling extraneous and interventing variables. Tools and Techniques of Research, classical test theory and item response theory of test construction, steps of preparing a research tool. Validity (Meaning, types, indices and factors affecting validity) Reliability (Meaning, types, indices and factors affecting reliability), Item Analysis (Discrimination Index, Difficulty Index), Index of Measurement Efficiency, Standardisation of a tool. Tools of Research, Rating Scale, Attitude Scale, Opinionnaire, Questionnaire, Aptitude Test Check List, Inventory, Semantic Differential Scale, Techniques of Reserch, Observation Interview, Tools to be used for collecting data using these techniques to be discussed in detail.)

Data Analysis-Types of Measurement Scale (Nominal, Ordinal, Interval and Ratio), Quantitative Data Analysis, Parametric Techniques, Conditions to be satisfied for using parametric techniques, Descriptive data analysis (Measures of central tendency, variability, fiduciary limits and graphical presentation of data), Inferential data analysis, Use of Excel in Data Analysis, Concepts, use and interpretation of following statistical techniques: Correlation t test z test, ANOVA, Critical ratio for comparison of percentages and chi square (Equal probability and Normal Probability Hypothesis), Testing of Hypothesis, Qualitative Data Analysis, Data Reduction and Classification, Analytical Induction, Constant Comparion, Research Reporting-Formal, Style and Mechanics of Report Writing with Reference to Dissertation and thesis and Paper Bibliography, Evaluation of Research Report. ISBN 9788131316290

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