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  Entrepreneurship, Growth, And Economic Integration: A Linkage

Entrepreneurship, Growth, And Economic Integration: A Linkage

by H S Cheema , V B Angadi , M R Das

  Price : Rs 150.00
  Your Price : Rs 150.00
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  Book Summary of Entrepreneurship, Growth, And Economic Integration: A Linkage
The issues identified in this publication for detailed discussion are not only relevant to India in its present stage of economic development but also need urgent attention of academicians, educational institutions and planners/policy makers to focus on the task of developing entrepreneurship culture among women. There are no two opinions about the pivotal role of women entrepreneurs in bringing about rapid socio-economic development in India, if an appropriate atmosphere is created in the country. Needless to emphasise that the concerted efforts are to be made from all concerned with the issue. The Lala Lajpatrai Institute of Management has provided a forum through this Seminar to address all dimensions of the task of developing women entrepreneurship culture in India. I place on record my appreciation of the endeavor of the Institute.

Table of Contents

Part I : Women Entrepreneurship
Part II: Marketing and Advertising
Part III: Papers Presented in Conferences and Workshops isbn

Pages : 326
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