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  The Impossible Indian: Gandhi and the Temptation of Violence

The Impossible Indian: Gandhi And The Temptation Of Violence

by Faisal Devji

  Price : Rs 1435.00
  Your Price : Rs 1291.50
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  "The Impossible Indian" offers a rare, fresh view of Gandhi as a hard-hitting political thinker willing to countenance the greatest violence in pursuit of a global vision that went far beyond a nationalist agenda. Revising the conventional view of the Mahatma as an isolated Indian moralist detached from the mainstream of twentieth-century politics, Faisal Devji offers a provocative new genealogy of Gandhian thought, one that is not rooted in a cliched alternative history of spiritual India but arises from a tradition of conquest and violence in the battlefields of 1857.

Focusing on his unsentimental engagement with the hard facts of imperial domination, Fascism, and civil war, Devji recasts Gandhi as a man at the center of modern history. Rejecting Western notions of the rights of man, rights which can only be bestowed by a state, Gandhi turned instead to the idea of "dharma, " or ethical duty, as the true source of the self`s sovereignty, independent of the state. Devji demonstrates that Gandhi`s dealings with violence, guided by his idea of ethical duty, were more radical than those of contemporary revolutionists.

To make sense of this seemingly incongruous relationship with violence, Devji returns to Gandhi`s writings and explores his engagement with issues beyond India`s struggle for home rule. Devji reintroduces Gandhi to a global audience in search of leadership at a time of extraordinary strife as a thinker who understood how life`s quotidian reality could be revolutionized to extraordinary effect.

ISBN - 9780674066724

Pages : 224
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