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  The Terrorist in Search of Humanity - Militant Islam and Global Politics

The Terrorist In Search Of Humanity - Militant Islam And Global Politics

by Faisal Devji

  Price : Rs 1295.00
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  Author of the critically acclaimed Landscapes of the Jihad: Militancy, Morality, Modernity, Faisal Devji argues that new forms of militancy, such as the actions of al-Qaeda, are informed by the same desire for agency and equality animating humanitarian interventions, such as environmentalism and pacifism. To the militant, victimised Muslims are more than just symbols of ethnic and religious persecution - they represent humanity’s centuries-long struggle for legitimacy and agency.

In this way Islam is defined more in humanitarian than theological terms. Acts of terror, therefore, are fuelled by the militant’s desire for humanity to become an historical actor on the global stage. Though they have yet to build concrete political institutions, militant movements have formed a kind of global society, and as Devji makes clear, this society pursues the same humanitarian objectives that drives more benevolent groups.
ISBN - 9781850659259

Pages : 240
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