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  Global Security Watch : Pakistan

Global Security Watch : Pakistan

by Syed Farooq Hasnat

  Price : Rs 695.00
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  Pakistan has been destabilized by insurgencies largely because of the overspill of events in neighboring Afghanistan. Pakistan has also suffered a history of disputes with India over the last 50 years. As a country situated in an extremely volatile geographic location and armed with nuclear weaponry, Pakistan`s effect on global security should not be taken lightly. In recent years Pakistan has emerged as a major security concern for the United States. The acts of terrorism that originate in Pakistan and its culture of extremism cause serious apprehension for the international community as well. Pakistan`s ability to combat extremism within its borders and its policy towards Afghanistan will also play a large role in determining the success of U.S. military actions in Afghanistan. This volume will be the first to deal with a variety of emerging security issues of the country and their regional and international implications. This volume examines the issues of utmost importance for Pakistan`s stability and strategic balance, and explains their significance from the global perspective. Each chapter in this book addresses specific security challenges of Pakistan, both domestic and international.

ISBN - 9788182746169

Pages : 222
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