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  History of the Indian Army

History Of The Indian Army

by K L Rao

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  Like Indian civilization, Indian Army has, through the ages, evolved glorious customs, traditions and enormous reputation of unity in diversity and become a professional institution of modern India. The contribution of Indian Army, in shaping the military history of colonial India and Independent India has been momentous, through various conflicts including two World Wars, post-independence major wars with China and Pakistan and other multi-dimensional challenges to our national security and integrity. After independence, the Indian Army played its part in not only fulfilling its primary mandate of preserving the nation’s borders but has helped India emerge as a confident and a responsible nation state with strong modern democratic fundamentals by its unflinching commitment to uphold the core values of the Indian society.

This book describes in detail the history of Indian Army, right from its inception, along with East India Company’s arrival in India, the campaigns undertaken by British-Indian Army within the country and overseas, Sepoy Mutiny of 1857-58, first and second World War, role of princely states’ armies in World Wars, the Burma Campaign, formation of Indian National Army (INA), Officer Corps and its Indianisation, end of British rule and division of the Indian Army between India and Pakistan, Army’s involvement in settling millions of refugees, Kashmir Operation, Hyderabad Operation 1948, Liberation of Goa 1961, Tibet’s invasion by China in 1950, China’s invasion of India 1962, Indo-Pak Wars 1965 & 1971 and Liberation of Bangladesh, Kargil War (1999), etc. etc. All the Chiefs of Army Staff with their photographs and contribution made, are presented. List of all Commanders-in-Chief of pre-independence era, Indian recipients of Victoria Cross and recipients of Param Vir Chakra, all Honours and Awards with description of each medal, ribbon and monetary allowances are placed in the book.

This book will serve as an authentic record of important and momentous achievements of the Army and its leaders for all the Army units, Army training Institutions and educational institutes of Indian universities. For defence policy planners, future research scholars and military historians in particular, this book provides factual and well chronicled information. And above all, it is a must read for the vibrant and dynamic youth of our country.

ISBN - 9788170494911

Pages : 428
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