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  Practical Book Of Biotechnology & Plant Tissu Culture

Practical Book Of Biotechnology & Plant Tissu Culture

by Madhavi Adhav , Santosh Nagar

  Price : Rs 75.00
  Your Price : Rs 66.00
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  Book Summary of Practical Book Of Biotechnology & Plant Tissu Culture
The book starts with an introduction to basic knowledge of instruments which deals with principle, working, uses, limitations and precautions of about ten instruments.Basic Knowledge of precaution of;Culture Media for Bacterial Growth, Plant Tissue Culture and Standard Solutions has been given in simple and easy-to-follow language. The biotechnology exercises such as Plasmid and DNA isolation, DNA size determination, Restriction digestion, PCR, Gus gene assay, RFLP, RAPD, Isolation of bacteria by streak and Pour plate method, Growth characteristics of E.Coli by Plating and Turbidimetric method and the plant tissues culture exercises such as Cell suspension culture, Androgenesis, Somatic embryogenesis, Preparation of plantlet to greenhouse field, have been given in a student friendly manner. Matter for Viva-voce has also been included.

Table of Contents

Principle, working and uses of instruments: Autoclave..
Preparation of culture media
Preparation of Standard Solution
Isolation of bacteria by streak plate method
Isolation of bacteria by pour plate method
To determine the growth characteristics of E.Coli
Growth charatersitics of E.coli using turbidimetric method
Isolation of plasmid from E.coli
Isolation of bacterial genomic DNA from E.coli
To determine the DNA molecular size
Purification of DNA
To perform Bacteriophage titration
To perform restriction digestion of DNA with enzyme
To perform tranformation of the given bacterial population
DNA amplification by Polymerase chain reaction
Preparation of Plant Tissue culture media
To isolate protoplast from the plant tissue
Vialibilty testing of protoplast
Demonstrate of Protoplast fusion using polyethylene glycol
Demonstration of Callus culture techniques
Initiation of callus from radical tip of Phaseolus Vulgaris
Demonstration of Cell Suspension Culture
Demonstration of Androgensis is Datura
Demonstration os Somatic embryogenesis
Growth Index
Artificial Seeds
Transfer of Planets
Isolation of Genomic DNA
Isolation of Agrobacteruim
Agro Bacterium
DNA polymorphism
DNA polymorphism viva Voce, Refernces,
Index ISBN Madhavi Adhav
Santosh NagarISBN

Pages : 121
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