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  Strategic Issues in International Retailing

Strategic Issues In International Retailing

by John Dawson , Roy Larke Masao Mukoyama

  Price : Rs 395.00
  Your Price : Rs 335.75
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  Book Summary of Strategic Issues in International Retailing
As retailers become more international, the existing concepts and theories of international business fit uneasily with international retailing. Exploring key concepts in international retailing through in-depth studies of several retailers, this text provides accessible material for students at every level. Illustrating and evaluating the strategies of international retailers, developing concepts and theories that enable an understanding of international retailing, and showing the contrasts in approaches adopted by major firms in their international operations, this important text is a must-read for all those studying or working in international retail.

This important text takes a strategic approach, examining in-depth studies of a variety of retailers and marrying theory with practice to provide comprehensive coverage for students at every level.

Illustrating and evaluating the strategies of international retailers, developing concepts and theories that enable an understanding of international retailing and showing the contrasts in the approaches adopted by major firms in their international operations, this important text is a must-read for all those studying or working in international retail. isbn

Pages : 218
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