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  Pro Mapping in BizTalk Server 2009

Pro Mapping In Biztalk Server 2009

by Jim Dawson, John Wainwright

  Price : Rs 849.00
  Your Price : Rs 764.10
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  Learning good map design techniques for BizTalk Server will make a huge difference to the processing speed of your implementation, as well as to the scalability and maintainability of your code. Regardless of your experience, expert authors Jim Dawson and John Wainwright ensure you make the right choices to reap the rewards and avoid the potential penalties of poor design.

Pro Mapping in BizTalk Server 2009 provides in–depth coverage of all aspects of mapping to enable you to quickly and efficiently incorporate logic that will fulfill your mapping requirements. While the mapping techniques will be useful for all versions of BizTalk Server, the code is tailored toward BizTalk Server 2006 R3 and demonstrates the latest approaches to standard maps, electronic data interchange, and RFID components. You’ll refer again and again to the multiple solutions that will help solve your new mapping challenges, and soon find this is an essential reference for any BizTalk implementation.

What you’ll learn

Solve complex problems within the mapping engine rather than by resorting to custom programming.
Become familiar with facets of the EDI standard, such as ASCII X12 and EDIFACT, the types of mapping problems these standards cause, and solutions to those problems.
Discover a migration path for developers familiar with the Mercator, Gentran, Application Integrator, and other mapping engines to move to the BizTalk engine.
Reduce the cost of mapping by decreasing the time required to complete and test complex maps.
Get a clear description of the simpler methods that can be employed to solve seemingly complex problems.

Who this book is for
This book is suitable for BizTalk developers of any level of experience who are faced with mapping challenges. The material is presented in a clear, concise way to aid understanding by as wide an audience as possible.ISBN - 9788132200796

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