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  	Strategic Brand Management

Strategic Brand Management

by Jean-Noel Kapferer

  Price : Rs 395.00
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  Reviews: ˜The best book on Brands Yet. It is an invaluable reference for designers, marketing and brand managers`

Design Magazine

˜After reading Kapferer`s book, you`ll never again think of a brand as just a name. Several new exciting ideas and perspectives on brand building are offered that have been absent from our literature`

Philip Kotler, Northwestern University

˜An authoritative analysis about establishing an identity and exploring it`

Daily Telegraph

˜A real thought provoker for marketing and business people. Strategic Brand Management is an essential tool to develop strong marketing strategy`

P. Desaulles, Vice President, Du Pont de Nemours Europe

˜In the sports business, branding has become complex. This book is very useful at CEO level`

J.F. Gautier, President and CEO, Salomon Worldwide

Description: The first edition of Strategic Brand Management was published in 1992 to great critical acclaim. The new edition has been rewritten and thoroughly revised to bring readers absolutely up-to-date with the dramatic changes that have taken place in brand management around the world. Distributors` own brands, the Europeanization of brands and the importance of brands on the balance sheet are just some of the recent developments discussed in detail here.

Strategic Brand Management deals with the concept and practice of brand management in its totality. The new edition is packed with fresh examples and case studies of brands from throughout the world, and pays particular attention to the development of global brands. Three new chapters have been included which concentrate on the life span of brands by looking at: the sources of challenges to brand equity; factors which dictate a brand`s life expectancy; and revitalization strategies for declining brands. More attention is now given to multi-brand strategies and there is new chapter on the growing practice of merging brands. Given the increasing attention paid to brands by the business to business sector, the service sector and producer of luxury goods, much more reference is made to these markets.

The second edition of Strategic Brand Management will not disappoint followers of Jean-Noel Kapferer`s unique style of exhaustive analysis and expert commentary. Anyone wanting a through understanding of the new rules of brand management and how to put them into practice will find this latest edition a unique source of inspiration and original thought.


Part One: Understanding Brands ¢ Brand equity in question ¢ Goodwill: the convergence of finance and marketing ¢ The brand: a source of value for the consumer ¢ The brand: a source of value to the company ¢ From brand assets to financial value ¢ The challenge of distributors` own brands ¢ The new rules of brand management ¢ What does branding really mean? ¢ Constantly renewing brand difference ¢ A brand is a living memory ¢ A brand is a genetic programme ¢ Brands endow products with meaning ¢ A brand is a contract ¢ Brand contract requirements ¢ Brands and other signs of quality ¢ Obstacles to the branding principles ¢ Implications of the brand equity concept ¢ Service brands ¢ The case of luxury brands ¢ The logic of co-branding ¢ Brand identity ¢ Brand identity: a necessary concept ¢ Identity and image ¢ The six facets of identity ¢ Sources of identity ¢ Analysing a brand`s potential ¢ Part Two: Brand Management ¢ Launching new brands ¢ Launching a brand and launching a product are not the same ¢ Defining the brand`s platform ¢ Determining which products are most typical ¢ Brand campaign or product campaign? ¢ Brand language and territory of communication ¢ Choosing a name for a strong brand ¢ Gaining recognition and brand awarenes ¢ Taking distributors into account ¢ Sustaining a brand long term ¢ The equilibrium of added value ¢ Renovations and innovations ¢ Nourish the perceived difference ¢ Invest in communication ¢ Remain within the mainstream price ¢ Dominate to invest ¢ Control the distribution system ¢ Create entry barriers ¢ Reinforce brand loyalty ¢ From brand equity to customer equity ¢ Adapting to the market: identity versus change ¢ The power of consistency ¢ The three layers of a brand: kernel, codes and promises ¢ Respecting the brand contract ¢ Managing two levels of branding ¢ Range extension: necessity and limits ¢ Brand architecture: handling a large product portfolio ¢ Branding strategies ¢ Choosing the appropriate branding strategy ¢ Product names: autonomy or affiliation? ¢ Retailer branding strategies ¢ Failures in brand-product relationships: a few classic examples ¢ Corporate brands and product brands ¢ Brand extension ¢ Why extend the brand? ¢ The limits of the classic conception of branding ¢ Economic consequences of brand extension ¢ Experimental studies on brand extension ¢ Typicality and evaluation of extensions ¢ Typology of brand extensions ¢ Stress on the brand through extension ¢ Increasing the brand scope through gradual extension ¢ Choosing the right brand extension ¢ A few classic errors ¢ The marketing mix of brand extensions ¢ The limits of brand extension ¢ Multi-brand portfolios ¢ Brand portfolios and market segmentation ¢ Multi-brand strategies ¢ The case of industrial brands ¢ Global portfolio logic ¢ Distributors` own-brand portfolios ¢ Handling name changes and brand transfers ¢ Types of brand transfers ¢ Reasons for brand transfers ¢ From Raider to Twix ¢ From Philips to Whirlpool ¢ From GE to Black & Decker ¢ From Chambourcy to Nestle ¢ Which brand to retain after a merger ¢ Managing resistance to change ¢ Key factors for a successful brand transfer ¢ Merging corporate brands ¢ Decline, ageing and revitalisation ¢ The factors of decline ¢ When the brand becomes generic ¢ The ageing of brands ¢ Rejuvenating a brand ¢ The factors of success ¢ Making brands go global ¢ Geographical extension: a necessity ¢ The global brand: a source of opportunities ¢ From single name to global brand ¢ Consumers and globalisation ¢ Conditions favouring global brands ¢ Disruption vs optimisation marketing ¢ Barriers to globalisation ¢ Managerial blockages ¢ The impact of the single European market ¢ Which organisation for a global brand? ¢ The pathways to globalisation ¢ Part Three: Brand Valuation ¢ Financial evaluation and accounting for brands ¢ The discovery of the financial value of brands ¢ Why include brands on the balance sheet? ¢ The accounting treatment of created brands ¢ Cost-based brand valuation methods ¢ Valuation by market price ¢ Valuation by potential earnings ¢ Brands, balance sheets and financial information ¢ Conclusion ¢ Bibliography ¢ Index

About the Author: Jean-Noel Kapferer is an internationally recognized authority on brands and brand management. A professor of marketing strategy at HEC School of Management in France, he holds a PhD from Northwestern University (USA) and is an active consultant to many European and US corporations. He is also the author of six books on branding, advertising and communication.

Target Audience: Product managers, Ad professionals, Brand Management professionals, students of management
Special prices are applicable to the authorised sales territory only.
Prices are subject to change without prior notice. ISBN 9788175541092

Pages : 443
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