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  Successful Presentation Skills, 4/E

Successful Presentation Skills, 4/E

by Andrew Bradbury

  Price : Rs 195.00
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How would you feel if someone suddenly told you that you had to give a presentation next week?

Would you instinctively start planning for the event, or start planning how to delegate the task to someone else?

Effective communication skills are an essential part of business success ” and life in general. From training new employees to building rapport with potential clients, the ability to deliver information clearly and with impact is a skill that all business people need, yet many find difficult to master. Successful Presentation Skills makes it a whole lot easier to develop those skills.

This new, updated edition takes the reader through the basic presentation skills, from the initial planning, through structuring and script writing to the actual delivery, from introduction to wrap-up, including sections on:

¢ building confidence

¢ being concise

¢ understanding body language

¢ designing and using visual aids effectively

Contents: Where do you want to go? ¢ The secret of perfect presentations ¢ What is a presentation? ¢ Ten steps to success ¢ 2, 4, 6, 8 ”how do you communicate? ¢ It`s not what you say ” is it? ¢ It`s the way that you say it ¢ I`m really pleased to be here ” maybe ¢ What you feel the fear... ¢ Panic now ” and avoid the rush ¢ Your ˜performing edge` ¢ Winning ways ¢ It must be seen to be believed ¢ Pictures and images ¢ Confidence matters ¢ You`re never alone in a presentation ”it just feels like that ¢ That certain look ¢ Ready, willing and able ¢ A sense of perspective ¢ The look, the feel, the sound ¢ Hand signals should be observed ¢ Turning theory into practice ¢ How to create confidence ¢ The main objective ¢ Is this really necessary? ¢ And the point is? ¢ Lend me your brains ¢ I have a dream ¢ Roll up, roll up! ¢ No problem too great ¢ Now hear this ¢ Cutting your cloth ¢ Know your audience ¢ Putting the customer first ¢ Will they hear what you mean? ¢ Vague and precise language ¢ Three learning/convincing styles ¢ Audiences have feelings, too ¢ Words, words, words ¢ The sweet KISS of success ¢ On confronting a blank sheet of paper ¢ Creating a structure ¢ All the truth that`s fit to present ¢ Think ahead ” plan ahead ¢ Script, notes or cue cards? ¢ When you come to the end ” stop ¢ The into and the outro ¢ What was it all about? ¢ Closing comments ¢ Know when to stop ¢ Beware the red light ¢ Curtain up! ¢ On your marks, get set... ¢ The moment you walk in the joint... ¢ Maps and shoehorns ¢ Setting a mood ¢ Creating motivation ¢ Establishing credibility ¢ Are batteries included? ¢ Making and breaking expectations ¢ Providing a framework ¢ Times and events ¢ Never say not! ¢ Selecting and using visual aids ¢ Just for effect? ¢ Horses for courses ¢ Designing effective visual aids ¢ Planning screen and flipchart displays ¢ Points that make a point ¢ A chart (or graph) for all reasons ¢ Using colour ¢ PowerPoint ” the next generation ¢ Last word on graphics ¢ Handouts ¢ Setting the scene ¢ Anyone for tennis? ¢ Please be seated ¢ So many switches ” so few hands ¢ The little things that count ¢ And then the lights went out ¢ Question and answer sessions ¢ Why? ¢ When? ¢ Taking control of audience questions ¢ The three basic secrets of handling questions ¢ What to do when you don`t know the answer ¢ An excuse is a loaded gun ¢ The football fan ¢ Dr Heckle ¢ Mr Jibe ¢ Beware the ˜early bird` ¢ Bones of contention ¢ The Phantom ¢ Happy Wanderers ¢ The good, the bad and the ugly ¢ In the seats of power ¢ Personal presentation ¢ Here I stand ¢ You`ve got to hand it to them ¢ Just one look ¢ Four keys to success ¢ Style of speaking ¢ Taking care of your voice ¢ Rehearsals ¢ Can you hear me at the back? ¢ Night and day, you are the one ¢ Don`t take it personally ¢ Limbering up ¢ Desert mouth syndrome ¢ A ˜mighty, rushing wind` ¢ Presentation checklist

About the Authors: Andrew Bradbury is a qualified social psychologist with over 30 years` experience of designing and delivering courses in both technical and "soft" skills. He is the author of Develop Your NLP Skills (also published by Kogan Page).

Target Audience: General public
Special prices are applicable to the authorised sales territory only.
Prices are subject to change without prior notice. ISBN 9780749456627

Pages : 166
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