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  Executive Writing Skills for Managers

Executive Writing Skills For Managers

by Fiona Talbot

  Price : Rs 250.00
  Your Price : Rs 225.00
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  Reviews: "Operating in a multinational organization, I see real added value in the guidance offered. Very well explained model... supported by case studies that any reader at this level can relate to. Strongly recommended".

Head of HR and Organizational Development, Process Organization-Energy Sector

Description: English is a major language of international commerce as well as the world`s language of the internet and global access to knowledge. For native and non-native speakers it is essential to write clear, concise messages and avoid verbosity. The fewer words you write, the more important it is that you get them right and impress your readers.

Executive Writing Skills for Managers will help you to say one step ahead and shine brighter than the rest. As a leader, by knowing how to write English for cross-cultural success you will put across the right messages that people can understand. Among other things, this book offers guidance on how to write:

¢ Briefs

¢ Reports

¢ Agendas

¢ Recruitment and Performance evaluations

Executive Writing Skills for Managers contains tips and case studies you can easily relate to, and each chapter offers a valuable checklist for action. Keep it by your desk or take it on your travels. You can`t afford to be without it.

Contents: Introduction ¢ English as a Language of Global Communication : Defining readers, customers and audience ¢ Your audience can be anyone and everyone ¢ Cross-cultural differences in writing ¢ Office guidelines and house style can help ¢ The four-way mirror approach ¢ Writing for exporting ¢ One-upmanship ¢ Your checklist for action ¢ Writing in English: Support your People: English as the language of the boardroom ¢ Helping you communicate across borders without building frontiers ¢ Help your staff ¢ Diversity in writing: key points to consider ¢ Your checklist for action ¢ Why We Communicate Commercially: Why we write in business ¢ Effect on performance ¢ Ideal communication ¢ The word power skills system: four easy steps to success ¢ Correct for purpose: your mission, vision and values ¢ Quality in business English ¢ Accountability ¢ Your checklist for action ¢ Word Power Skills 2.0: Interacting with Readers as Customers: The importance of word power skills 2.0 ¢ How you view readers ¢ Constructions that may confuse your readers and customers ¢ Simplicity can impress ¢ Writing customer service ¢ Tone ¢ Dealing with written complaints ¢ Your checklist for action ¢ Adapt: Stay ahead or Stay Behind: Identify the right words for today ¢ Sometimes you need to ˜unlearn` things ¢ The i-generation: the impact on writing ¢ Updating ¢ Correct timing ¢ Your checklist for action ¢ Time is money: What this means ¢ Complex writing isn`t always apt - or clever ¢ Sense or nonsense ¢ Good transitions improve fluidity ¢ English dictionary syndrome ¢ Write a brief you commit to action ¢ When acroynms can become the problem ¢ Save and back up ¢ Your checklist for action ¢ Helping You Write those documents : The mechanics of writing: how signposting will help ¢ Reports and executive summaries ¢ Manuals and instructions ¢ Agendas, meeting notes and minutes ¢ Converting speech into writing ¢ Writing recruitment campaigns ¢ Outsourcing your business English writing ¢ Your checklist for action ¢ Writing to Lead, Inspire - and Change: ˜People` words and change ¢ Jargon, including management speak and legalese ¢ ˜Everyone is equal` versus hierarchical systems ¢ Use the right words to motivate ¢ Burying good news ¢ Your checklist for action ¢ Writing E-Mails: Setting standards: corporate policy ¢ How e-mails can impede performance ¢ Tone and etiquette ¢ Text messages: not always appropriate ¢ The politics of address lists ¢ Prioritizing urgency ¢ Mistakes in others` e-mails ¢ E-mails writing skills in spoken skills environments ¢ Your checklist for action ¢ Feedback and Performance Reviews: How to give feedback in English ¢ Feedback ratings: other differences ¢ Your checklist for action ¢ Conclusion

About the Authors: Fiona Talbot is a writer, international consultant and trainer who helps organizations improve results by harnessing the virtually free resource of written word power. She has written articles for Personnel Today, British Airways, New Civil Engineer and CCF magazine, amongst other publications. She is also the author of How to write Effective Business English and Make an Impact with your Written English

Target Audience: Students of management, business managers
Special prices are applicable to the authorised sales territory only.
Prices are subject to change without prior notice. ISBN 9780749455187

Pages : 162
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