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  The Sunday Times: Developing Your Staff

The Sunday Times: Developing Your Staff

by Patrick Forsyth

  Price : Rs 140.00
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  Description: One of the major tasks facing any manager is the challenge of maximising staff efficiency and performance. Good development is essential to achieving results, but it doesn`t happen authomatically.

Developing Your Staff will help you construct and implement development policies and action plans for your staff. It reviews both major and minor training activities of all kinds, showing how to increase their effectiveness. Reliable advice is provided on the following issues:

¢ Assessing competencies

¢ Selecting the right training activity

¢ On-the-job training

¢ Delegation and development

¢ Monitoring progress

¢ Accommodating career implications

Good staff and good performance are fundamnetal to success in this fast-changing and competitive world. Whatever your level of management, this book will help to ensure the success of your team, section or organisation through sound, systematic staff development.

Contents: Attitudes to Development: Staff Attitudes ¢ Motivation ¢ Management Implications ¢ A Development Culture ¢ The Range of Development Methods ¢ Assessing Competencies: Job Objectives ¢ Creating a Development Plan ¢ Job Appraisal ¢ A Cycle of Improvement ¢ The Development Task: The Development Gap ¢ Evaluating Throughout the Year ¢ The Effect on the Individual ¢ Creating the Right Habit ¢ Delegation as an Aid to Development: The Benefits of Delegation ¢ The reasons why delegation may be avoided ¢ Minimising the risk ¢ Monitoring progress ¢ Evaluating the Process ¢ On-the-Job Training: The Target of on-the-Job Training ¢ Defining the development Task ¢ A Systematic Approach ¢ Utilising Appropriate methods ¢ Learning on the Job ¢ An Economy of scale ¢ Mentoring ¢ Horses for Courses: Courses, and more courses ¢ Role-play methods ¢ Activity Course ¢ Simulations ¢ Management Games ¢ Packaged Training ¢ Brainstorming ¢ Development Circles ¢ Open Learning ¢ Resource Centres ¢ Job Rotation and Swapping ¢ Using Training Films ¢ Long-Term Training: Long Courses ¢ Well Qualified ¢ Policy on Qualifications ¢ A Development Continuum ¢ Secondment ¢ Sabbaticals ¢ Individual Motivation ¢ Monitoring Progress: Informal monitoring ¢ Testing Training Effectiveness ¢ Seeing for Yourself ¢ Course Assessment Annual Job Appraisal ¢ The Ultimate Alternative ¢ Onwards and Upwards ¢ Career Implications: The need to Plan Careers ¢ Setting a Course Perception is Reality ¢ Active Career Management ¢ The Way Ahead ¢ The management Response

About the author: Patrick Forsyth runs Touchtone Training and Consultancy, which advises on marketing, sales and communicatizon skills. An established author, he has written a number of books, including How to Motivate People, Marketing on a Tight Budget, How to be Better at Writing Reports and Proposals and Everything You Need to Know about Marketing

Target Audience: Corporate Heads, HR Heads, Managers.
Special prices are applicable to the authorised sales territory only.
Prices are subject to change without prior notice. ISBN 9788175544468

Pages : 128
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