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  How to Prepare a Business Plan, 5/e

How To Prepare A Business Plan, 5/E

by Edward Blackwell

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  Description: A good business plan should impress potential financial backers by clarifying aims, providing a blueprint for the future of your company and a benchmark against which to measure growth. This fully updated fifth edition of How to Prepare a Business Plan explains the whole process in accessible language, including guidance on:

Producing cash flow forecasts and sample business plans ¢Expanding a business ¢ Planning the borrowing ¢ Monitoring business progress

The author introduces several small businesses as case studies, analyzing their business plans, monitoring their progress and discussing their problems. Whether you are looking to start up or expand, this practical advice will help you to prepare a plan that is tailored to the requirements of your business - one that will get you the financial backing you need.

Contents: Introduction ¢ Writing a business plan : Clarity; Brevity; Logic; Truth; Figures; Designing the business plan; Deciding how much to write; Getting down to it; How to set about it; Tackling each section ¢ Simple cash flow forecasts: Is a cash flow forecast of any real use?; Principles to observe when filling in a simple cash flow form; The break-even analysis ¢ The very small business: Example; Alexander Battersby; Example: Nicola Grant ¢ Retail and catering: Example: Flurry Knox; Example: Robert Herrick and Deirdre Williams; Catering; Example: Osbert Wilkinson¢Manufacturing Example: Marcus Garside; Example: Rosemary Rambler and Muriel Tonks; Example: James Turbotte, Brian Fletcher and Julian Watchman ¢ Expanding a business: Example: John S Brook; Example: Kenneth Jackson Allen and Anthony Kevin Spooner; Example: George Weston ¢ The market: Example: Norbury Williams ¢ Planning the borrowing ¢ How not to write a business plan - or run a business ¢ Maintaining the plan ¢ Small business and the trade cycle ¢ Monitoring progress: Example; Alexander Battersby; Example: Rosemary Rambler and Muriel Tonks; Example: Nicola Grant; Example: Robert Herrick and Deirdre Williams; Example: Osbert Wilkinson; Example: Marcus Garside; Example: Turbotte Manufacturing Company ¢ Postscript: Where to go for further advice Appendix I: Help for small businesses Appendix 2: Useful names, addresses and websites

About the Authors: Edward Blackwell is a consultant on small business affairs. A former accountant, he ran his own business for many years, and so is well placed to offer advice. He is the author of several Kogan Page books. How to Prepare a Business Plan is his best-known title and has, since its first edition, been translated into several languages.

Target Audience: Entrepreneurs, decision makers in small & medium enterprises.
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ISBN 9780749454722

Pages : 190
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