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  Science, Agriculture and the Politics of Policy : The Case of Biotechnology in India (HB)

Science, Agriculture And The Politics Of Policy : The Case Of Biotechnology In India (Hb)

by Ian Scoones

  Price : Rs 795.00
  Your Price : Rs 675.75
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  Science, Agriculture and the Politics of Policy examines the intersections of globalisation, technology and politics through a detailed, empirically-based examination of agricultural biotechnology in India. The focus is on Bangalore and Karnataka, a part of India which has seen a massive growth in biotech enterprises, experimentation with GM cotton and a contested policy debate about the role biotechnology should play in economic development. The book asks what does this new suite of technologies mean - for society, for politics and for the way agriculture, food and rural livelihoods are thought about? Can biotech deliver a second Green Revolution, and so transform agriculture and rescue the countryside and its people from crisis and poverty? Or is it more complex than this? Through a detailed case study, the aim of the book is to discuss, question and refine these broader debates, locating an understanding of biotechnology firmly within an understanding of society and politics.

ISBN :9788125029441

Pages : 432
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