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  Scientific Criminal Investigation, (Reprint)

Scientific Criminal Investigation, (Reprint)

by Sharma Dr. B.R.

  Price : Rs 595.00
  Your Price : Rs 517.65
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  The book is brought out after decades of experience in the vast field of Investigation, by the author. His selection of the subject is with a view to update all those in the field of investigation with the scientific methods of conducting examination of each and every clue found to connect the criminal with the offence and the victime. The changing trend of human nature has become undependable and relying on eyewitnesses is no longer possible. In such circumstances only circumstantial evidence has to be relied upon.

The book contains information regarding various connecting clues, how to locate, collect, preserve and use them to prove the acts of criminal in committing the offence. Specific characteristic features of weapons, their way of using, and source of procuring them are also discussed to the benefit the reader.

The book has lot of case histories, real life examples, charts, tables, sketches, photographs and covers the syllabi of Police Training Colleges and Schools of all states, National Police Academies, Central Detective Training Schools etc.

ISBN : 9788175345539

Pages : 596
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