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  Law Relating to Handwriting Forensics - Covering Identification, Disputed Documents, Examination, Evaluation, Forged Signatures, Computers in Handwriting Forensics, Reports, Cross Examination and much more...

Law Relating To Handwriting Forensics - Covering Identification, Disputed Documents, Examination, Evaluation, Forged Signatures, Computers In Handwriting Forensics, Reports, Cross Examination And Much More...

by Sharma Dr. B.R.

  Price : Rs 995.00
  Your Price : Rs 865.65
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  This book apart from the usuals in its class covers exclusively the all-important topic, handwriting identification, without delving into other problems related to Disputed (Questioned, Contested or Challenged) Documents.
Handwriting Forensics, perhaps the oldest scientific evidence produced in the courts, it is even today the most frequent, the most difficult and by far the most misunderstood and controversial evidence. The book takes up the cudgels and shows the current state of the art on the subject to tackle the problems in the right earnest to the satisfaction of all concerned. Computers, now image, segment, measure, study and compare the data create from the images of both the disputed and the standards, thus converting the oft-stressed subjectivity of the matter into objectivity advocating departure from the past and aims at ringing in the new ascendant discarding the old and redundant.
The book discusses the entire gambit of handwriting identification covering all-important topics: from development of handwriting through identification characteristics and principles, identification processes, identification of the genuine, the forged, the disguise or the anonymous, right up to the handling and preservation of the documents.
Written in simple language, illustrated with real life cases and diagrams, avoiding verbosity and technical jargons, the book is intended to assist the judges, the lawyers, the experts and others to adopt the new technology, which helps to disseminate better justice.

ISBN : 9789350351079

Pages : 695
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