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  The Traditions of Northern India A Study of Arts, Architecture and Crafts in Haryana

The Traditions Of Northern India A Study Of Arts, Architecture And Crafts In Haryana

by Bhup Singh Gulia

  Price : Rs 2500.00
  Your Price : Rs 2500.00
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  Bhup Singh Gulia has done a remarkable job in generating primary information about the text of the book and enriching it with pictorial representations depicting various unknown elements of folk art and crafts that could be gathered from Haryana. A large number of distinctive forms and styles, in respect of arts and crafts invented and developed by the people of Haryana that accompany the text as photographic representations and illustrations in various chapters of the book, seem to be a novel attempt for scholarly documentation and evaluation of the material referred in the Book. This artistically produced book speaks volumes about the time and energy spent in meticulous collection of information and photography and presenting the same in a methodical and intellectually honest manner. It is presumed that the book as well the the efforts of the authors and the editor will be appreciated by the common reader, those having interest in history of art & crafts of the village communities and, of course, the scholars.

ISBN 8182901197

Pages : 162
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