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  Conservation of Textiles, Bone and Ivory

Conservation Of Textiles, Bone And Ivory

by A.S. Bisht

  Price : Rs 1500.00
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  This is the book which was intended to come in two separate titles but I had to publish it in a joint title namely "Conservation of textiles, Bone and Ivory" for reasons not my control. We have first to understand them in totality and know how these have been made, what materials have been used in them, how the various parameters of our tropical environment affect them and start their decay process.

We try our best to restore them very near to their original aesthetic look without adding much un compatible but reversible materials so that they do not look new but well cared by the present scientific approach and attitude. Similarly the bone and Ivory remainents of the past reminds us how the various civilizations came near with each other in the form of various ancient routs like silk route. It also proves and mentions how the artifacts of Pompiee in Italy are similar to contemporary artifacts of that period from Ter and Bhokardan. When I was in Afghanistan I was convinced how they look alike with the bone and Ivory artifacts from the contemporary and similar artifacts from Bigram in such a large number.
The readers would be helped by sharing the long practical experience of the author gained by him during the span of more than 55 years of practical and scientific work. This book, therefore is expected to help and even those who has been in the conservation, profession for some time now and need more basic Information to improve upon their techniques as per latest thinking on the two subjects in this. Even though the subjects are scientific but the author in his usual approved to make things simple and lucid could be understood non scientific personnel as his approach is of application of science and not of pure science which other readers having scientific attitude in life world benefit from.

Contents: Preface. I. Conservation of textiles: 1.Introduction. 2. Physical structure of textiles. 3. Deterioration of textiles. 4. Examination and documentation. 5. Steps in conservation. II. Conservation of ivory and bone: 6. Introduction. 7. Structure of ivory and bone: structure. 8. Deterioration of ivory and bone: deterioration. 9. Conservation of ivory and bone : Documentation. Bibliography. Index.

ISBN - 9788173201004

Pages : 188
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