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  Monetory Policy, Financial Stabilty and Central Banking in India

Monetory Policy, Financial Stabilty And Central Banking In India

by Narendra Jadhav

  Price : Rs 595.00
  Your Price : Rs 595.00
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  The book covers an extensive canvas of macroeconomic thinking, monetary matters and the changing face of central banking the world over, with special reference to India. Interestingly, it also deals with fundamentals of finance in some detail which is crucial for understanding the operational complexities of financial markets in India. While examining the issues on monetary policy formulation in India, the book effectively traverses various financial sector issues that have posed challenges before the monetary policymakers in India and abroad.
A distinctive feature of the book is its attempt to place the Indian financial sector in the global context with due emphasis on the domestic and global financial markets while focusing on the latest trends in monetary and financial economics. The book makes a valuable contribution to the literature while bringing out the multifaceted character of the policy dilemmas faced by the monetary authorities in an emerging market economy like India.isbn-9781403929020

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