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  Ambedkar Writes (Set of 2 Volumes)

Ambedkar Writes (Set Of 2 Volumes)

by Narendra Jadhav

  Price : Rs 3000.00
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  Ambedkar Writes Set of 2 Volumes Volume - I: Political Writings and Volume - II: Scholarly Writings A statesman and a mass leader, Dr Baba Saheb Ambedkar always also remained a reflective thinker, erudite scholar and a prolific writer. Even while being fully engrossed in mass movements and political upheavals, he wrote remarkable treatises on Economics, Sociology, Anthropology, Politics, Law, Religion and Culture which is the mark of a true intellectual. Perhaps no other mass leader in India has produced anywhere even close to the voluminous writings that Dr Ambedkar has. What is simply unbelievable is that he produced these magnificent books while being fully engaged in politics and in drafting the Constitution of India.

A follow up to the three volume set, Ambedkar Speaks, these two volumes present, for the first time, all of Dr Ambedkars (completed) English writings in a summary form: Volume I covers all his Political Writings and Volume II his Scholarly Writings (Economics, Sociology, Anthropology and Religion). In addition to his writings, seven landmark speeches especially on Politics and Law and Constitution have also been included for the sake of an all round understanding of the thought process of Dr Ambedkar. For each contribution, typically, first the overall context is stated followed by a short summary for laypersons and then comes a fuller summary of the works for more ambitious readers.

ISBN - 9789322008345

Pages : 1072
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