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  Raina`s Concrete Bridge: Inspection, Repair, Strengthening, Testing & Load-Capacity Evaluation

Raina`S Concrete Bridge: Inspection, Repair, Strengthening, Testing & Load-Capacity Evaluation

by Dr. V. K. Raina

  Price : Rs 1600.00
  Your Price : Rs 1360.00
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  This state-of-art Reference book offers almost all there is to know about ˜rehabilitation` of concrete and composite bridges. Drawn from the author`s experience over a multitude of projects in many countries, this entirely practice-oriented ˜Prescriptions` book provides a detailed excursion into the types of distress, cracks and wounds usually observable and their remedies.

More than 400 illustrations and photographs have been used to unfold the various facets of bridge repairs and strengthening. Meant specifically for consultants, contractors and their clients, the book is an indispensable reference for conducting inspections, condition surveys, performance monitoring, and diagnostic tests for bridge maintenance & repair. Besides providing a tool-kit approach for repair and strengthening of bridges, the book also goes into details of emergency bridging arrangements.

About the Author
Dr. Raina presently the Technical Director at ITNL (- IL&FS Group) - was until recently Technical Advisor to the US (PWA) and for the 40 Km. long Bahrain - Qatar Sea-link Project, Gov`t of Bahrain. Previously he was Senior Expert and Consultant to the United Nations and the World Bank in many countries for many years as also the Team Leader of the United Nations Team of Experts in Saudi Arabia for the multi-billion Dollar extensive Roads network Development and Maintenance program. He was also the Operations Advisor and Independent Consultant to various Consulting Engineering organizations in the fields of Bridges, Contract Management and Contracts. As a professional practitioner, Dr. Raina has also trained many host-country senior engineers in these fields through the aegis of the UN and the World Bank. isbn-9788184048049

Pages : 800
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