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  Raina`s Construction & Management Practices - The Inside Story, 2nd Ediiton

Raina`S Construction & Management Practices - The Inside Story, 2Nd Ediiton

by Dr. V. K. Raina

  Price : Rs 1400.00
  Your Price : Rs 1190.00
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  This reference type book adopts a practising professional`s approach in discussing details of the twin Managements of `Construction` and`Contract` - all in aworkman-like manner. `CONSTRUCTION Management`-wise: Dissection of a Project into Planning and Scheduling - respectively referring to `Activities` in a Project and then `Events` in each Activity, has been brought out with clarity. Considerable emphasis has been given to organisational set-up and manpower planning and administration and accounts, right down to the planning and functioning, liaison with Banks, Purchase and Procurement, Administration, even Library, Printing and reproduction, Travel and ticketing business that form a part of the overall comprehensive exercise in the Management of Construction. The item on Engineering has been broken down into great detail, covering the various aspects, even of the Duties of the Technical Personnel down the lines. `CONTRACT Management` -wise : How to select a Consultant and how to prequalify a Contractor has been explained in Detail. The whole gamut of the CONTRACT MANAGEMENT `System`, the various Check-Lists involved, the CONTRACT MONITORING `Process`, important Points in a Construction Contract, the pertinent FIDIC-Conditions, Estimation of PRICE-ESCALATION, Effects of Plant Production Rates & Job Efficiency Factors in Contract Management, and How a Consultant should Supervise the Construction to FIDIC 1999/87, his expected Approach & Methodology both for Design and Construction Supervision, and even steps for Protection of the Environment, have all been explained lucidly yet precisely in a COMPENDIUM format!!! The book would be indispensable to Practising Professional Engineers, Contractors and Clients. Students of civil engineering would find the book extremely useful as they finally enter the portals of the Profession and dabble in its Practice.

Other books by same author

Raina`s Concrete Bridge Practice: Analysis, Design and Economics, 3rd Edition.
Raina`s Concrete Bridge Practice: Construction, Maintenance and Rehabilitation, 2nd Edition.
Raina`s Concrete Bridges: Inspection, Repair, Strengthening, Testing & Load Capacity Evaluation, 2nd Edition.
Raina`s Concrete for Construction: -Facts and Practice, 2nd Edition.
Raina`s Field Manual for Highway and Bridge Engineers, 3rd Edition.
The World of Bridges.

About the Author
Dr. Raina presently the Technical Director at ITNL (- IL&FS Group) - was until recently Technical Advisor to the US (PWA) and for the 40 Km. long Bahrain - Qatar Sea-link Project, Gov`t of Bahrain. Previously he was Senior Expert and Consultant to the United Nations and the World Bank in many countries for many years as also the Team Leader of the United Nations Team of Experts in Saudi Arabia for the multi-billion Dollar extensive Roads network Development and Maintenance program. He was also the Operations Advisor and Independent Consultant to various Consulting Engineering organizations in the fields of Bridges, Contract Management and Contracts. As a professional practitioner. Dr. Raina has also trained many host-country senior engineers in these fields through the aegis of the t/Wand the World Bank.isbn-9788184047875

Pages : 585
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Books by Same Author
Raina`s Field Manual for Highway and Bridge Engineers, 3rd Edition
by Dr. V. K. Raina
Raina`s Concrete Bridge: Inspection, Repair, Strengthening, Testing & Load-Capacity Evaluation
by Dr. V. K. Raina
Raina`s Concrete Bridge Practice: Construction, Maintenance and Rehabiliation 2/ed
by Dr. V. K. Raina
Raina`s Construction & Management Practices - The Inside Story, 2nd Ediiton
by Dr. V. K. Raina
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