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  Rights of Hund and Muslim Women

Rights Of Hund And Muslim Women

by Neera Bharihoke

  Price : Rs 1195.00
  Your Price : Rs 1195.00
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  The book focuses on the various problems of women which are deep-rooted in the strong patriarchal traditions in Indian society. Subjugation of women, regardless of their religion, caste or creed, is embedded to such an extent that it goes largely unseen, unexamined and unquestioned. The articles/papers in the book highlight the austere and blatant deprivation of women of their basic rights of life and living and all the sectors of society symptomatically and systematically contribute towards this deprivation. Women, despite being equipped with the rights, lack the will or power to use them. A foretaste of the research articles contributed by authors highlights the atrocities and lacunae in the system. Articles also draw attention to economic view point and impact of use or non-use of the rights by women. In present times, the role and responsibilities of women has attained new perimeters and perception. Educational and occupational blueprints have also changed and amplified resulting in women entering the provinces, which were considered to be dominated by men. Women issues have also received recognition and support by legislature. Women empowerment can be achieved only by granting women the primary rights of expression, autonomy and decision-making. ISBN 9788183871358

Pages : 397
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