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  Dynamics of Law and Justice

Dynamics Of Law And Justice

by Neera Bharihoke

  Price : Rs 750.00
  Your Price : Rs 660.00
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  The concept of law and justice is as dynamic as the concept of society. As the societal values undergo a change so does the meaning and content of law and justice. There are multiple theories of law as well as justice. The attempt in this scholarly work is to the light issues, factors and at times to find solutions to the various problems which make these concepts change their meaning in different backgrounds. The articles incorporated here also reflect upon bow the change in policies or polity of a nation brings about the change in the notions of law and concept of justice. The wide range of topics covered in the present volume has made the contents richer and presents a panoramic picture of the various facets of law and justice. Scholarly papers demonstrate how at times law is missing and is causing injustices AND at times despite law being there, injustices in the system continue. The articles presented here are articulate and provide an in-depth study of the subject to which they and will be of use to the readers not only in India but elsewhere too.
ISBN 9788183873536

Pages : 248
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