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  The Splendour of Hyderabad : The Last Phase of an Oriental Culture (1591-1948 A.D.)

The Splendour Of Hyderabad : The Last Phase Of An Oriental Culture (1591-1948 A.D.)

by M.A. Nayeem

  Price : Rs 2000.00
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  The Splendour of Hyderabad is the first comprehensive book which recaptures the sublime spirit of opulent oriental life and culture in Hyderabad, where the magnificent, lavish and exotic court, first of the Qutb Shahi Sultans and later of the Nizams, flourished from 1591 to 1948. The grandeur of oriental culture reached its zenith in the latter half of the 19 century during the time of the sixth Nizam and it was continued by his successor, the last Nizam during the first half of the 20 century. These Nizams were reputedly the richest men in the world with their fabulous wealth and were called "Fabulous Mughals".

The history of the high level of grandeur and sophistication is explored by Dr. Nayeem in this, very vivid account substantiated with nearly six hundred historical photographs, which are unique documents of the political, social and cultural life and time of the people of Hyderabad and are unrivalled and unparalleled.

Profusely illustrated the book, an outcome of several years’ research by Dr. Nayeem, is a broad-based study that integrates diverse elements and presents a synthesised panoramic survey of the chief constituents of oriental culture. Of international interest, the Nizam is shown entertaining Kings, Queens heads of states and others with unsurpassed opulence. The roster of the visiting aristocrats included Prince of Wales (latter King George V), Queen Mary, the Princess of Wales, future Czar of Russia, the Archdukes of Austria and Russia, Crown Prince of Germany, King Saud of Saudi Arabia, Shah of Iran and Queen Suryaya, scores of British Lords and Ladies, British Viceroys and Governor Generals, British residents, etc.

In this splendid work the author brilliantly treats the subject chronologically with documentation and in its historical perspective, giving geographical and historical backgrounds along with maps. The wealth and jewellery of the Nizams are described in a separate chapter with rare illustrations from the sumptuous and priceless collection.

Finally the author mentions some cases of the Nizam’s charity and benevolence that rained all over India, Pakistan, Middle East, England etc.

ISBN - 8185492204/ 9788185492209

Pages : 400
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