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  The Heritage of The Bahmanis & The Baridis of The Deccan (1347-1538-1619 A.D)

The Heritage Of The Bahmanis & The Baridis Of The Deccan (1347-1538-1619 A.D)

by Dr. M.A. Nayeem

  Price : Rs 1500.00
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  This book- The Heritage of the Bahmanis and the Baridis completes The Heritage Series of Books which the author, Dr.M.A. nayeem had began a decade ago. In the series he has already published the following titles: the spleandour of Hyderabad (2002, revised edition 2011); The Heritage of the Qutb Shaghis of Golconda and Hyderabad (2006); The Heritage of the Adil Shahis of Bijapur 2008); and The Royal Placed of the Nizams (2009) These five magnum opus volumes present for the first time a comprehensive illustrated account with several hundreds of historical photograhs, in each volume, both multi-colour and monochrome, relating to numerous aspects-hitory, socio-economic, cultural art architecture religion archaeology numismatics, foreign relations with West Asia, Etc. they cover 600 years of the medieval Deccan from 1347-1947 Ad. The present volume, profusely illustrated, an outcome of several years research, is a broad based- study that integrates diverse elements and presents a synthezised panoramic survey, covering its four capitals. It recaptures the sublime spirit of life and times in the vast Bahmani empire which extended from sea to sea, and which had left legacies of culture that had grounded in powerful set of oriental ideas and traditions related to a specific social- cultural context. These traditions brought by the foreign west Asian immigrants, including the founders of the Bahmani and Baridi dynasties who hailded from Iran and Turkey, respectfully. The traditions expended in court culture, social institutions, customs and ceremonies, dress and etiquette, rituals, art, architecture, religion, Persian language, epigraphy, calligraphy, literature etc. underlined and marked the cohesive and harmonious society. these aspects contributed to the evolution of a composite cultures, of which four capitals Daulatabad, Gulbarga, Firozabad and Bidar were the nucleus and cradle.ISBN 9788185492407

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