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  Unravelling Puzzle Of Longevity

Unravelling Puzzle Of Longevity

by V.P.Goel

  Price : Rs 150.00
  Your Price : Rs 150.00
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  Shri Goel has chosen the most difficult subject, the span of life and has put his researches in crystal clear form in the most lucid way possible. Such h clarity and lucidity is a rare gift among writers in any field particularly I astrology, the most comprehensive science known to mankind..Simply a very original and brilliant research.

Shri Goel has analyzed horoscopes for longevity step by step using various methods. He has shown how his method works in case of twins.

This is the best book available on this subject to astrologers with so many horoscopes.

There is a royal rule of Parashara which never fails examines three pairs first:

Lagna and lagna lord
The eighth hose and eighth lord and
The tenth house and the tenth lord

This is the unfailing first and primary approach. Then see the Jaimini method of PAM as I have coined it and taught to successive batches of students.But unless it is cross checked through four or five dashas one should not be confident at all in making these predictions.

Shri Goel, the engineer, sees it all as the edifice of life which has to be examined brick by brick. And see where it is weak which can cause the collapse. That is the beauty and the brilliance of the book.

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