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  New Dimensions of KP Astrology

New Dimensions Of Kp Astrology

by Dr. Arastu Prabhakar

  Price : Rs 170.00
  Your Price : Rs 170.00
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  The name of late Professor Krishnamurti is well-known in modern astrology. He did sincere and serious research in the field of astrology and gave it a new dimension. For some time, the work of Krishnamurti was neither recognized nor respected by traditional astrologers due to one or another reason. It was only in 1996 when Dr. Arastu Prabhakar and Shri Daya Shankar (IRS) recognized the importance and face value of the work of late KP their efforts yielded results and astrologers as a whole come to know about the amazing system of prognostication. New Dimensions of KP Astrology is an extension of the research by the great savant of astrology, late Professor Krishnamurti.

The importance of traditional astrology can neither be mitigated nor ignored because all systems of prognostication of future have got generated from it. KP too is no exception. The book is unique blending of KP as well as traditional astrology. The proved principles of traditional astrology have been beautifully incorporated with KP to make it more meaningful and trustworthy. After making tedious research over a decade of time various confusions which persisted even in the books of KP have been sorted out with logical explanations. The present book is an almost complete book on horary astrology.

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