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  Sundarban Fishermen in the World Heritage Setting

Sundarban Fishermen In The World Heritage Setting

by R.M. Sarkar

  Price : Rs 950.00
  Your Price : Rs 836.00
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  Sundarban-the beautiful forest in the southern border of West Bengal is the richest mangrove ecosystem in the global perspective. It is not only charming as its name implies but is characterized by is characterised by tremendous awe-inspiring nature having multitude of mangrove special and numerous dreadful animal forms both in land water. The network of mangrove is criss-crossed by the turbulent and rivers estuaries which are abundant in fish population of multifarious varieties. Sundarban, fishermen are the traditional workers in the glorious ecological niche and their main principle of working in the midst dreadful land water is very naturally the adaptation of various measures to cope with the multifaceted untoward circumstance. Sundarban fishermen by virtue of mental set up could have been able to explore the geo-physical dimensions, behaviour in their own concepts and understandings. The book is based on the integrated effort for highlighting the processes and procedures of the indigenous fishing communities and through time and space to grapple with the eco-environmental setting in making their living through uninterrupted fishing operation. The life and work of Sundarban fisher folk are centred round the interactions of man, fish and water. The reciprocal action-orientation of these three interrelated factors have well been illustrated in the book going deep into eco-cultural and techno-economic spheres of activities of there traditional fishing personnel.

ISBN - 9788183871792

Pages : 271
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