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  Primitive Tribal Groups in India

Primitive Tribal Groups In India

by R.M. Sarkar

  Price : Rs 1150.00
  Your Price : Rs 1012.00
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  The primitive Tribal Groups embrace such tribal people who are characteristically benighted in the different dimensions of their way of life. Economically they still indicate their specific trend of continuation of the archaic pattern of existence. Living very close to nature and their utter dependence on bountiful natural resource their way of and basic philosophy have been molded accordingly and thus any soft of severance from this deep-rooted matrix results in an unbalancing situation. After having specially identified as the Primitive Tribal Groups by the Government of India on the basis of certain administrative criteria these sorted out tribal communities are promised offer all types of help and cooperation for mitigating their hazards and anxieties, consternation and tribulation in their life-situation. It has been observed from the working of the various efforts up by the government, for the developmental activities of the ill-fated people that varied constraints have thwarted the very endeavor due to certain obvious reasons. In order to understand the very pretext of unwanted situation there is an urgent necessity to study the different aspects of life and thinking patterns of these primitive tribes distinctive as they differ from each other in content and character. This anthology has taken the ardent pledge to highlight copiously the integrated perspective of the different dimensions life of the primitive Tribal Groups living in the different ecological settings in the India and having discrete understanding as well as problems. The total canvas has been designed here with the empirical finding on PTGs contributed by celebrated scholars with conspicuous expertise in the domain of tribal studies. It is expected that this compendium would, but of its merits invite a wide range of readership from the different of human studies in general and the administrative personnel connected with the tribal development planning and implementation pattern especially among the Primitive Tribal Groups in particular.
ISBN : 9788183871860

Pages : 381
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