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  Trade Liberalisation, Manufacturing Growth and Employment in Bangladesh

Trade Liberalisation, Manufacturing Growth And Employment In Bangladesh

by Mustafizur Rahman • Wasel Bin Shadat • Selim Raihan

  Price : Rs 595.00
  Your Price : Rs 535.50
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  The present volume makes an important contribution to the rich literature on impact of trade reforms on growth and employment by undertaking an indepth investigation into relevant issues in the context of the developing economy of Bangladesh. The study tracks and investigates the various phases of trade reforms pursued by Bangladesh over the past years. By applying appropriate analytical and estimation techniques, the study captures how and to what extent trade reforms have impacted on growth of manufacturing sector of the country during the various stages of the reforms and how employment scenarios have changed in labour-intensive and export-oriented sectors of the country over the corresponding periods as a consequence of the reforms. The book argues that further trade reforms should be guided by concerns of employment creation and should be tailored to the demands of accelerated industrial growth as Bangladesh enters into a heightened pace of global integration of her economy.

ISBN - 9788171888191

Pages : 220
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