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  India-America Strategic Partnership: Experiences and Expectations

India-America Strategic Partnership: Experiences And Expectations

by Dr. Surya Narain Yadav

  Price : Rs 990.00
  Your Price : Rs 871.20
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  This edition entitled India-America Strategic Partnership: Experiences and Expectations is the original and most comprehensive and critical investigation of the relationship between India and America. Major areas of investigation in this edition include, the nature and scope of political relations, direction and depth of economic and trade relations, scientific and technological cooperation, military and strategic collaboration, the critical role of the Indian Americans in enhancing the bilateral relations and above all, the civil nuclear cooperation agreement between India and America, especially since the end of the Cold War. The author is fully convinced that it would be an invaluable source of knowledge for academicians, researchers and policy-makers in addition to the common readers of international relations.

ISBN - 9788182209074

Pages : 238
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