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  China`s Power Projection

China`S Power Projection

by Air Commo. Ramesh Phadke.

  Price : Rs 595.00
  Your Price : Rs 464.10
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  China`s attempts to comprehensively overhaul and modernise its armed forses, and its emphasis on access to modern technology indicate the Chinese leaderships determination to build an allround military capability to fight well beyond its immediate periphery. Coercion, and if that fails, resoting to use of military force have been the logical and natural steps in China`s strategy. This marked propensity to use force makes one take note of China`s fast burgeoning military capabilities. The rapid modernisation process of china`s military would permit it to extend its influence and power well beyond its immediate proximity. This development has serious implications for India`s security. But to exaggerate the "Chinese threat" is counter -productive, lest it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. While the PRC would like the world to respect it even if out of fear or awe, it is axiomatic that India guard itself against an overestimation of the threat while assessing its potential. The book attempts to search for ways to improve an understanding of China`s rapidly rising power status in international politics and its possible implications for India`s Security.

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