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  Taking Your Business Global: Succeeding and Staying Ahead in the World Markets

Taking Your Business Global: Succeeding And Staying Ahead In The World Markets

by A.V. Vedpuriswar

  Price : Rs 595.00
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  Succeeding and Staying Ahead in the World Markets

In an increasingly interconnected world, going global is less a choice and more a compulsion. Equally, with transnational companies operating in practically all countries, it is difficult for a company to compete even in its home market without a global mindset. How do companies globalize? What are the challenges they face? How can they cope with these challenges? These are the vital issues covered in this book. Drawing on case studies of several successful transnational corporations, this book is packed with valuable insights and practical lessons for going global:


How and why have globalization of trade and capital evolved

How to enter and operate in global markets

Global value chain configuration — exploiting comparative and strategic advantages

Global branding — what it takes

Partnering for global competitive advantage — types and structures of alliances; how to make them work

Global standardization, local customization — how to coordinate and balance the two

Global marketing strategies and customer relationship management

Knowledge management in a global corporation

How to develop global managers

Management styles and best practices of global companies

Why globalization efforts fail

The impact of the Internet on globalization.

Here then is an actionable blueprint for companies wanting to go global, a one-source reference on globalization for practising managers, business and management students and scholars. Indian companies serious about going global would find this book particularly useful.

ISBN - 9788170947622

Pages : 356
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