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  Business Innovation Lessons from Great Companies

Business Innovation Lessons From Great Companies

by A.V. Vedpuriswar

  Price : Rs 595.00
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  Changing the rules of the game is what makes a business great

Companies typically focus on product and process innovations for gaining a competitive edge. While such innovations are clearly very important sources of value creation, the impact of business model innovation is of a far higher order altogether — it’s strategic in nature.
The essence of business model innovation is finding a better and more profitable way of creating value for customers. In a world where strategies can easily be imitated and competition emerge from seemingly nowhere, business model innovation is becoming crucially important.

In this book, Vedpuriswar explains both the innards and process of business model innovation and highlights its impact using dozens of stories of great companies, including Dell, Wal-Mart, Starbucks, Southwest Airlines, Gujarat Ambuja, HDFC, Ranbaxy and others which have created new ways of doing business that competitors find difficult to replicate. Not only do such companies stand uniquely apart in a crowd, they have also clocked enviable financial performance.

Equally, the author weaves together innovation insights of the contemporary gurus of business strategy, including Peter Drucker, Michael Porter, Gary Hamel, Adrian Slywotzsky and Clayton Christensen to highlight key lessons.

How to innovate a new business model


Target new, untapped or neglected customer segments

Identify new or currently neglected customer needs and priorities

Redefine the product

Capture value by moving downstream
Growth through strategic outsourcing

Use disruptive technologies to leapfrog established players.

Highly readable and absorbing, this book shows how business model innovation allows a company to change the very rules of the game and control the key levers of an industry. It is an incisive blueprint for get-ahead companies, senior executives, board members, consultants and investors on the lookout for extraordinary growth opportunities.

ISBN - 817094628X

Pages : 488
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