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  Cash and Derivatives Markets in Foreign Exchange

Cash And Derivatives Markets In Foreign Exchange

by A. V. Rajwade

  Price : Rs 595.00
  Your Price : Rs 535.50
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  Huge losses incurred in currency derivatives by several companies in the recent past have exposed lapses on the part of companies
and banks in understanding and adapting to the dynamics of the derivatives market. Thus, learning from the errors of judgment, and
fine-tuning one’s knowledge and understanding of the currency and derivatives have become critical concerns.
Addressing these issues, Cash and Derivatives Markets in Foreign Exchange, a distillate of the author’s rich experience in advising
companies and teaching B school students and executives, comes as topical offering for corporate treasurers, banking
professionals, company auditors, CAs, management students, faculty and researchers.
A companion volume to his book Currency Exposures and Derivatives: Risk, Hedging, Speculation and Accounting – A Corporate
Treasurer’s Handbook, this book is divided into two parts, covering:
- Domestic and global cash markets in foreign exchange, overview of global financial markets, exchange rate movements, and
risk management mechanisms
- Domestic and global derivatives markets in foreign exchange and derivative trading in the forward/futures, swaps and options

ISBN - 9780070148888

Pages : 208
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