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  Sense, Sensex And Sentiments:the Failure Of Indian Financial Sentinels

Sense, Sensex And Sentiments:The Failure Of Indian Financial Sentinels

by M. R. Venkatesh

  Price : Rs 620.00
  Your Price : Rs 527.00
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  Sense, Sensex and Sentiments is a compelling story of seemingly unrelated aspects that drive global as well as Indian economics today EUR a global regime that allows proliferation of tax havens, national economic policies that are simultaneously the cause and effect of corruption, corruption that eventually results in money laundering, money laundering which, in turn, sustains the economics of tax havens, reverse flow of money from tax havens that causes the boom and doom of markets across continents, exaggeration of boom and exacerbation of doom of the markets being aided and abetted by sections of the media and intelligentsia and, finally, the inexplicable but unpardonable apathy of the regulators in India.

ISBN - 9789380502496

Pages : 336
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