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  Democracy and Human Right

Democracy And Human Right

by A. Ranga Reddy

  Price : Rs 895.00
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  Human society has evolved over thousands of years. Earlier days, the primitive life was "harsh, brutish and short" having an eye for eye or tooth for a tooth. As people come together as hunter, gatherer societies the function got divided between men and woman and rules of conduct evolved. Basically these rules were such that contributed to the good. Moral principles like prohibition of stealing or condemning adultery, stopping of corruption practices or encouraging the telling of the truth are all designed to ensure that human being are able to evolve into smooth healthy, happy societies. A society in which there are high ethical standards is bound to be the happiest society like Denmark, Sweden countries. Value not only enhance the quality of life of the individuals of society, but also they make the society and thereby the world, a better place to live longer period. Amartya Sen, Noble Prize Winner, felt that development can be seen as a process of expanding the real freedoms that people enjoy especially even Tribal. Government have the obligation to respect, protect democratic principles fulfill human right, Human right meaans the relating to life, liberty , equality and dignity of the individuals guaranteed by the constitution. The role of the state be should be that a catalyst .It should not become an Octopus that seeks to control everything . Democracy has to generate wealth and distribute it equally social justice, without hurting rights of minorities, Daliths and Tribal. "welfare of all" is the ultimate, objective of democracy and human rights
ISBN : 9788183872911

Pages : 300
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