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  Dimensions of Crime and Corruption in India

Dimensions Of Crime And Corruption In India

by Dr A Ranga Reddy

  Price : Rs 1595.00
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  In very simply, corruption is defined as ˜Public office for private gains`. Corruption is a part of Indian Culture. We found that what is lacking is Political will. So far, we have not encouraged and protected whistleblowers. In fact, this is the area, where India is ranked among the best in the world, but for wrong reasons. Still we retained the title of the most corrupt. India is among 55 of the 106 countries where corruption is rampant. According to the corruption perception Index 2004, India shares this ranking with Malawi, Mozambique, Nepal, Tanzania and Russia. The most corrupt country is Bangladesh and Haiti. Once again, Finland has been judged the cleanest Country. Corruption prevalent in Government agencies are at the highest level. Bribery in Government procurement related contracts and other activities cost Indian taxpayers a whopping $7000 million. Very often, it says corruption increases economic efficiency. It is actually a moral and ethical issue that has direct bearing on good governance. Corruption is anti-poor, anti-development and anti-nation. The solution is empowerment of people to manage the resources. Simple, Moral, Accountable, Responsible and Transparent (SMART) governance is to be made mandatory at every level of development. Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization are expected to raise competition and reduce corruption. Empirical evidence shows that countries which are corruption-free have made rapid progress and have virtually eliminated hunger, poverty and unemployment. This humble book presents overview, operation, functioning, preventive and curative methods of inside enemy. ISBN : 8186771867

Pages : 695
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